Category: Uncategorized

Elasticsearch geoip file issue

Good morning everyone, It’s been a long while for a new more technical post.  Here’s a problem I encountered upon upgrading my Elasticsearch main server from 7.x to 8.12. I used the .deb from Elastic and everything seemed to go well for Elasticsearch and Kibana. When checking ingested packet logs from Zeek I noticed the…
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Network Architecture for my home setup

Learning Zeek

  I’ve been fascinated by Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) for ages. I love that a port on a switch can mirror all traffic coming into other (or all) ports and make that traffic available for inspection. Back in the day I used to deploy ISS (Now IBM) IDS devices in corporate networks. At the…
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Welcome to Secognition

I’ve been debating hanging out my own shingle for a while now and the COVID-19 pandemic has steeled my resolve to do this. I feel I have much knowledge and experience to share. It’s been hard to put myself out there. What will people think? What if I’m wrong? Should I use the Oxford comma?…
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